Real Estate Client Information Form

Use this real estate client information sheet template to collect important buyer or seller details for data-driven sales and lasting relationships.

Simplify your workflows

Start new client relationships off right by collecting the information you need to serve them best. Easily gather property details, contact information, wishlist must-haves, contract deadlines, and more with this customizable real estate client information sheet template. Then, share it with your real estate group or store for future reference and referral opportunities.

Customize for different situations

No coding knowledge? No worries. Easily drag and drop fields to customize your real estate client information sheet template to your needs based on the buyer and seller or step in the process. Then, use your real estate group’s branding and add your information or headshot for a professional, cohesive look.

Make form filling easy on clients

Let’s be honest—real estate client intake forms can be long and tedious. Allow your new buyers and sellers to stop and resume the form when necessary to gather what they need and still pick up where they left off. Add a progress indicator so they know how much is left to fill out.

Tailor form questions for specific needs

Make the contracts process easier on your clients by tailoring this real estate client information form to omit irrelevant questions that don’t pertain to them. With Conditional Logic, you can create smart forms that change based on previous responses and help clients answer questions faster.

Squeeze value out of old forms

Don’t lose what you’ve already created! Import existing forms you’ve already made and begin editing them in Formstack. Save hours of manual import time and skip the hassle by simply plugging in the URL of your old form and recreating it in our builder interface.

Take control of your data with Formstack

Discover the power of turning data into dynamic action with low-code application building from Formstack.